陈乔恩承认恋情 艾伦发文:我们注定要找到彼此

作者: 时间:2021-01-01 10:36:18 阅读:

艾伦微博陈乔恩承认恋情 艾伦发文:我们注定要找到彼此陈乔恩承认恋情 艾伦发文:我们注定要找到彼此  今天,陈乔恩和艾伦双双发微博承认恋情,随后艾伦发文:  In the world of billions of people, we were meant to find each other.Love never leave us or anybody.A life of few decades is too short for anything, so just be brave to love!The happy moments seen by all, can only be truly felt by two.Thank you Mango TV, viewers and the family of dolphins for the blessings.Thank you Joe。@陈乔恩


